[58]Publication Reports For Fiscal Year[1998]

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PPPL-3262 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Phenomenology of Major and Minor Disruptions in High Beta DT in TFTR Plasma

Authors: S. Mirnov, I. Semenov, E. Fredrickson, R. Budny, Z. Chang, K. McGuire, H. Park, H. Takahashi, S. von Goeler, L. Zakharov, and S. Zweben

PPPL-3262 Abstract

PPPL-3263 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Anomalous Loss of DT Alpha Particles in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (Ph.D. Thesis)

Author: Hans W. Herrmann

PPPL-3263 Abstract

PPPL-3264 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Effects of q(r) on the Alpha Particle Ripple Loss in TFTR

Authors: S.J. Zweben, D.S. Darrow, S. Batha, R.V. Budny, M. Diesso, H.W. Herrmann, J. Giarrusso, M. Redi, H. Takahashi, S. von Goeler, R.B. White, and R. Wieland

PPPL-3264 Abstract

PPPL-3265 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Experimental Test of the Sweet-Parker Model of Magnetic Reconnection

Authors: Hantao Ji, Masaaki Yamada, Scott Hsu, and Russell Kulsrud

PPPL-3265 Abstract

PPPL-3266 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

ITER L-Mode Confinement Database

Authors: S.M. Kaye and the ITER Confinement Database Working Group

PPPL-3266 Abstract

PPPL-3267 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Symbolic Vector Analysis in Plasma Physics

Authors: H. Qin, W.M. Tang, and G. Rewoldt

PPPL-3267 Abstract

PPPL-3268 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Gyrokinetic Theory for Arbitrary Wavelength Electromagnetic Modes in Tokamaks

Authors: H. Qin, W.M. Tang, and G. Rewoldt

PPPL-3268 Abstract

PPPL-3269 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Kinetic Theory of Plasma Adiabatic Major Radius Compression in Tokamaks

Authors: M.V. Gorelenkova, N.N. Gorelenkov, E.A. Azizov, A.N. Romannikov, H.W. Herrman

PPPL-3269 Abstract

PPPL-3270 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Development of Lithium Deposition Techniques for TFTR

Authors: H.W. Kugel, J. Gorman, D. Johnson, G. Labik, G. Lemunyan, D. Mansfield, J. Timberlake, and M. Vocaturo

PPPL-3270 Abstract

PPPL-3271 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Transport of Recycled Deuterium to the Plasma Core in TFTR

Authors: C.H. Skinner, M.G. Bell, R.V. Budny, D.L. Jassby, H. Park, A.T. Ramsey, D.P. Stotler, and J.D. Strachan

PPPL-3271 Abstract

PPPL-3272 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Confined Trapped-Alpha Behaviour in TFTR Deuterium-Tritium Plasmas

Authors: S.S. Medley, R.V. Budny, H.H. Duong, R.K. Fisher, M.P. Petrov, N.N. Gorelenkov, M.H. Redi, A.L. Roquemore, and R.B. White

PPPL-3272 Abstract

PPPL-3273 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Tritium Removal by CO2 Laser Heating

Authors: C.H. Skinner, H. Kugel, D. Mueller, B.L. Doyle, and W.R. Wampler

PPPL-3273 Abstract

PPPL-3274 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Neoclassical Tearing Modes in Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor Experiments Part I. Measurements of Magnetic Islands and Delta Prime

Authors: Z. Chang, E.D. Fredrickson, S.H. Batha, M.G. Bell, R.V. Budny, F.M. Levinton, K.M. McGuire, G. Taylor, M.C. Zarnstoff, and TFTR Group

PPPL-3274 Abstract

PPPL-3275 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Tritium Reduction and Control in the Vacuum Vessel during TFTR Outage and Decommissioning

Authors: W. Blanchard, R. Camp, H. Carnevale, M. Casey, J. Collins, C.A. Gentile, M. Gibson, J.C. Hosea, M. Kalish, J. Langford, S. Langish, D. Miller, A. Nagy, G.G. Pearson, R. Raucci, K. Rule, and J. Winston

PPPL-3275 Abstract

PPPL-3276 is available in pdf or postscript formats. (Note: Second Revision: 12 January 1998.)

Sheared Rotation Effects on Kinetic Stability in Enhanced Confinement Tokamak Plasmas, and Nonlinear Dynamics of Fluctuations and Flows in Axisymmetric Plasmas

Authors: G. Rewoldt, M.A. Beer, M.S. Chance, T.S. Hahm, Z. Lin, and W.M. Tang

PPPL-3276 Abstract

PPPL-3277 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Mode Structure of Disruption Precursors in TFTR Enhanced Reversed Shear Discharges

Authors: M. Okabayashi, E. Fredrickson, J. Manickam, G. Taylor, S. Batha, M. Bell, R. Budny, B. LeBlanc, F. Levinton, J. Jackson, K. McGuire, R. Nazikian, and M. Zarnstorff

PPPL-3277 Abstract

PPPL-3278 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

The TFTR E||B Spectrometer for Mass and Energy Resolved Multi-Ion Charge Exchange Diagnostics

Authors: S.S. Medley and A.L. Roquemore

PPPL-3278 Abstract

PPPL-3279 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes in TFTR Deuterium-Tritium Plasmas

Authors: R. Nazikian, G.Y. Fu, Z. Chang, S.H. Batha, H. Berk, R.V. Budny, Y. Chen, C.Z. Cheng, D.S. Darrow, N.N. Gorelenkov, F.M. Levinton, S.S. Medley, M.P. Petrov, M.H. Redi, E. Ruskov, D.A. Spong, R.B. White, and S.J. Zweben

PPPL-3279 Abstract

PPPL-3280 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Core Poloidal Rotation and Internal Transport Barrier Formation in TFTR

Authors: R.E. Bell, F.M. Levinton, S.H. Batha, E.J. Synakowski, and M.C. Zarnstorff

PPPL-3280 Abstract

PPPL-3281 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Synthesis of Ozone at Atmospheric Pressure by a Quenched Induction-Coupled Plasma Torch

Authors: B.C. Stratton, R. Knight, D.R. Mikkelsen, A. Blutke, and J. Vavruska

PPPL-3281 Abstract

PPPL-3282 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Synergy Between Ion Bernstein and Lower Hybrid Waves in PBX-M

Authors: F. Paoletti, A. Cardinali, S. Bernabei, A. Post Zwicker, W. Tighe, and S. Von Goeler

PPPL-3282 Abstract

PPPL-3283 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

LSC Users Manual

Authors: David W. Ignat and Aaron J. Redd

PPPL-3283 Abstract

PPPL-3284 is available in pdf format only.

To obtain a paper copy of PPPL-3284 e-mail caphilli@pppl.gov .

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 1995

Authors: Virginia L. Finley and Marisa A. Wieczorek

PPPL-3284 Abstract

PPPL-3285 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Formation and Structure of Internal and Edge Transport Barriers

Author: E.J. Synakowski

PPPL-3285 Abstract

PPPL-3286 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Theory of Resonance Influence of Sawtooth Crashes on Ions with Large Orbit Width

Authors: Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, V.V. Lutsenko, R.B. White, and Yu. V. Yakovenko

PPPL-3286 Abstract

PPPL-3287 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Numerical Study of Microwave Reflectometry in Plasmas with 2D Turbulent Fluctuations

Author: E. Mazzucato

PPPL-3287 Abstract

PPPL-3288 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Microwave Reflectometry for Magnetically Confined Plasmas

Author: E. Mazzucato

PPPL-3288 Abstract

PPPL-3289 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

On the Viscous Boundary Layer near the Center of the Resistive Reconnection Region

Authors: Dmitri A. Uzdensky and Russell M. Kulsrud

PPPL-3289 Abstract

PPPL-3290 is available in pdf format only.

To obtain a paper copy of PPPL-3290 e-mail caphilli@pppl.gov .

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 1996

Authors: Virginia L. Finley and Jerry D. Levine

PPPL-3290 Abstract

PPPL-3291 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Q, Break-even and the Lawson Diagram for Transient Fusion Plasmas

Author: Dale M. Meade

PPPL-3291 Abstract

PPPL-3292 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Affordable Near-Term Burning-Plasma Experiments

Authors: Dale M. Meade and Robert D. Woolley

PPPL-3292 Abstract

PPPL-3293 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

TFTR Twenty Year Perspective

Author: Dale M. Meade

PPPL-3293 Abstract

PPPL-3294 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

A Hollow Cathode Magnetron (HCM)

Authors: Zhehui Wang and Samuel A. Cohen

PPPL-3294 Abstract

PPPL-3295 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

HINST: A 2-D Code for High-n TAE Stability

Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov, C.Z. Cheng, and W.M. Tang

PPPL-3295 Abstract

PPPL-3296 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Studies of Global Stability of Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas using a Rigid Body Model

Authors: H. Ji, M. Yamada, R. Kulsrud, N. Pomphrey, and H. Himura

PPPL-3296 Abstract

PPPL-3297 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Electromagnetically Induced Guiding of Counter-Propagating Lasers in Plasmas

Authors: G. Shvets and A. Pukhov

PPPL-3297 Abstract

PPPL-3298 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Operation of the TFTR Pellet Charge Exchange Diagnostic in the Pulse Counting Mode during H+ RF-Minority Heating

Authors: S.S. Medley, M.P. Petrov, A.L. Roquemore, and R.K. Fisher

PPPL-3298 Abstract

PPPL-3299 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Kinetic Ballooning Instability for Substorm Onset and Current Disruption Observed by AMPTE/CCE

Authors: C.Z. Cheng and A.T.Y. Lui

PPPL-3299 Abstract

PPPL-3300 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Tritium Experience in Large Tokamaks: Application to ITER

Authors: C.H. Skinner, C. Gentile, J. Hosea, D. Mueller, P. Coad, G. Federici, and R. Haange

PPPL-3300 Abstract

PPPL-3301 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Design Study of a Visible/Infrared Periscope for Intense Radiation Applications using Reflective Optics

Author: S.S. Medley

PPPL-3301 Abstract

PPPL-3302 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Turbulent Transport Reduction by Zonal Flows: Massively Parallel Simulations

Authors: Z. Lin, T.S. Hahm, W.W. Lee, W.M. Tang, and R.B. White

PPPL-3302 Abstract

PPPL-3303 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

A Kinetic-fluid Model

Authors: C.Z. Cheng and Jay R. Johnson

PPPL-3303 Abstract

PPPL-3304 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Magnetosonic Eigenmodes Near the Magnetic Field Well in a Spherical Torus

Authors: M.V. Gorelenkova and N.N. Gorelenkov

PPPL-3304 Abstract

PPPL-3305 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Circuit Equation Formulation of Resistive Wall Mode Feedback Stabilization Schemes

Authors: M. Okabayashi, N. Pomphrey, and R. Hatcher

PPPL-3305 Abstract

PPPL-3306 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Low Velocity Boron Micro-pellet Injector for Edge and Core Impurity Transport Measurements

Authors: H.W. Kugel, J. Gorman, R. Kaita, T. Munsat, and D. Stutman

PPPL-3306 Abstract

PPPL-3307 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

A Compact Advanced Burning Plasma Experiment

Authors: Dale M. Meade and Robert D. Woolley

PPPL-3307 Abstract

PPPL-3308 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Bounce-Averaged Kinetic Equations and Neoclassical Polarization Density

Authors: B.H. Fong and T.S. Hahm

PPPL-3308 Abstract

PPPL-3309 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Global Confinement, Sawtooth Mixing, and Stochastic Diffusion Ripple Loss of Fast ICRF-Driven H+ Minority Ions in TFTR

Authors: M.P. Petrov, R. Bell, R.V. Budny, N.N. Gorelenkov, S.S. Medley, and S.J. Zweben

PPPL-3309 Abstract

PPPL-3310 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Fokker-Planck Modelling of Delayed Loss of Charged Fusion Products in TFTR

Authors: V.A.Yavorskij, J.W.Edenstrasser, V.Ya.Goloborod'ko, S.N.Reznik, and S. Zweben

PPPL-3310 Abstract

PPPL-3311 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Modeling of Tritium Retention in TFTR

Authors: C.H. Skinner, J.T. Hogan, J.N. Brooks, W. Blanchard, R.V. Budny, J. Hosea, D. Mueller, A. Nagy, and D.P. Stotler

PPPL-3311 Abstract

PPPL-3312 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Improved Magnetic Fusion Energy Economics via Massive Resistive Electromagnets

Author: Robert D. Woolley

PPPL-3312 Abstract

PPPL-3313 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Long Pulse Fusion Physics Experiments without Superconducting Electromagnets

Author: Robert D. Woolley

PPPL-3313 Abstract

PPPL-3314 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Summary of Alpha Particle Transport

Authors: S.J. Zweben, S.S. Medley, and R.B. White

PPPL-3314 Abstract

PPPL-3315 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Alpha Particle-driven Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes in Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor Deuterium-Tritium Plasmas: Theory and Experiments

Authors: G.Y. Fu, R. Nazikian, R. Budny, and Z. Chang

PPPL-3315 Abstract

PPPL-3316 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Neutron Activation Cool-down of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

Authors: H.W. Kugel, G. Ascione, C. Tilson Jr., and A. Kumar

PPPL-3316 Abstract

PPPL-3317 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

TAE Saturation of Alpha Particle Driven Instability in TFTR

Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov, Y. Chen, R.B. White, and H.L. Berk

PPPL-3317 Abstract

PPPL-3318 is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Results from D-T Experiments on TFTR and Implications for Achieving an Ignited Plasma

Authors: R.J. Hawryluk and the TFTR Group

PPPL-3318 Abstract

PPPL 1997 Highlights is available in pdf format.

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 1997 Highlights

Editor: Carol A. Phillips

PPPL 1996 Annual Highlights is available in pdf or postscript formats.

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 1996 Highlights

Editor: Carol A. Phillips

PPPL-96highlights Abstract