Publication Reports For Fiscal Year 2013

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Methods of RF Current Drive

Authors: Nathaniel J. Fisch

PPPL-4940 Abstract


Some Unsolved Challenges in RF Heating and Current Drive

Authors: Nathaniel J. Fisch

PPPL-4939 Abstract


Linear Dispersion Relation For The Mirror Instability in Context Of The Gyrokinetic Theory

Authors: Peter Porazik and Jay R. Johnson

PPPL-4938 Abstract


Gyrokinetic particle simulation of nonlinear evolution of mirror instability

Authors: Peter Porazik and Jay R. Johnson

PPPL-4937 Abstract


Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Component Research On the National Spherical Torus Experiment

Authors: M.A. Jaworski, A. Khodak and R. Kaita

PPPL-4936 Abstract


Progress in Characterization of the Pedestal Stability and Turbulence During Edge-localized-mode Cycle On National Spherical Torus Experiment

Authors: Ahmed Diallo, et. al.

PPPL-4935 Abstract


Alcator C-Mod Experiments in Support Of The ITER Baseline 15 MA Scenario

Authors: Charles E. Kessel, et. al.

PPPL-4934 Abstract


Progress in Simulating Turbulent Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX

Authors: Walter Guttenfelder, et. al.

PPPL-4933 Abstract


The Hamiltonian Mechanics of Stochastic Acceleration

Authors: J. W. Burby, A.I. Zhmoginov and H. Qin

PPPL-4932 Abstract


Performance Evaluation of K-DEMO Cable-in-conduit Conductors Using the Florida Electro-Mechanical Cable Model

Authors: Y. Zhai, et. al.

PPPL-4931 Abstract


Simulation of Non-resonant Internal Kink Mode with Toroidal Rotation in NSTX

Authors: Guoyong Fu

PPPL-4930 Abstract


Comparison of Measurement And Modeling Of Current Profile Changes Due To Neutral Bean Ion Redistribution During TAE Avalanches In NSTX

Authors: S. Darrow, et. al.

PPPL-4929 Abstract


Physics Design of a 28 GHz Electron Heating System for the National Spherical Torus sExperiment Upgrade

Authors: Gary Taylor, et. al.

PPPL-4928 Abstract


Development of a Process to Build Polyimide Insulated Magnets for Operation at 350C

Authors: I.J. Zatz and S. Jurczynski

PPPL-4927 Abstract


Upward-facing Lithium Flash Evaporator for NSTX-U

Authors: A.L. Roquemore, et. al.

PPPL-4926 Abstract


Axisymmetric Simulations of the ITER Vertical Stability Coil

Authors: Peter H. Titus, Han Zhang, Michael Kalish, Edward Daly

PPPL-4925 Abstract


Novel Use Of Water Soluble “AQUAPOUR” As A Temporary Spacer During Coil Winding For The NSTX-U Centerstack

Authors: M. Mardenfeld, J. Chrzanowski, M. Anderson, E. Kearns, C. McFarlane, S. Raftopoulos, W. Reese, R. Tucker

PPPL-4924 Abstract


Design Analysis and Manufacturing Studies for ITER In-Vessel Coils

Authors: M. Kalish, et. al.

PPPL-4923 Abstract


Power Supply Changes for NSTX Resistive Wall Mode Coils

Authors: S. Ramakrishnan, C. Neumeyer, R. Mozulay, E. Baker, R. Hatcher, J. Lawson, W. Que, X. Zhao

PPPL-4922 Abstract


Hardwired Control System Changes for NSTX DC Power Feeds

Authors: S. Ramakrishnan, Xin Zhao, C. Neumeyer, J. Lawson, R. Hatcher, R. Mozulay, E. Baker, W. Que

PPPL-4921 Abstract


Progress in Developing the K-DEMO Device Configuration

Authors: T. Brown, et. al.

PPPL-4920 Abstract


Progress in Developing the STFNSF Configuration

Authors: T. Brown, J. Menard, P. Titus, A. Zolfaghari, L. El Guebaly, L. Mynsberge

PPPL-4919 Abstract


Fast-wave Power Flow Along SOL Field Lines In NSTX nd The Associated Power Deposition Profile Across The SOL In Front Of The Antenna

Authors: R. Perkins et. al.

PPPL-4918 Abstract


Towards Identifying the Mechanisms Underlying Field-Aligned Edge-Loss of HHFW Power on NSTX

Authors: R. Perkins et. al.

PPPL-4917 Abstract


Development of Steady-State Mirrors for the KSTAR ECH Launchers

Authors: R. Ellis, Y.S. Bae, J. Hosea, M. Joung, D. Miller, W. Namkung and H. Park

PPPL-4916 Abstract


Finite-B Simulation of Microinstabilities

Authors: Edward A. Startsev and W.W. Lee

PPPL-4915 Abstract


Eddy Current and Gap Voltage at Electrical Contacts of ITER Diagnostic First Walls and Shield Modules during Plasma Disruptions

Authors: Y. Zhai, et. al.

PPPL-4914 Abstract


Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Ddivertor Cooling System

Authors: Andrei Khodak and Michael A. Jaworski

PPPL-4913 Abstract


Fast Wave Heating in the NSTX-Upgrade Device

Authors: N. Bertellli, et. al.

PPPL-4912 Abstract


SPIRAL Field Mapping on NSTX for Comparison to Divertor RF Heaat Deposition

Authors: Joel Hosea, et. al.

PPPL-4911 Abstract


Radial Cooling of a Spherical Torus (ST) Toroidal Field (TF) Centerpost

Authors: Robert D. Woolley

PPPL-4910 Abstract


Digital Coil Protection System I/O and Data Subsystem for NSTX-U

Authors: Gregory J. Tchilinguirian, Keith G. Erickson and Ronald E. Hatcher

PPPL-4909 Abstract


Flowing Liquid Lithium for the Purpose of Reducing Tritium Inventory Levels in Fusion Energy Reactors

Authors: Charles A. Gentile,, et. al.

PPPL-4908 Abstract


Heating and current drive requirements towards Steady State operation in ITER

Authors: F.M. Poli, P.T. Bonoli, C.E. Kessel, D.B. Batchelor, M. Gorelenkova, B. Harvey and Y. Petrov

PPPL-4907 Abstract


Tendency of a Rotating Electron Plasma to Approach the Brillouin Limit

Authors: Renaud Gueroult, Amnon Fruchtman and Nathaniel J. Fisch

PPPL-4906 Abstract


Practicality of a Plasma Mass Filter for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing: Separating Lanthanides from Actinides

Authors: R. Gueroult and N. J. Fisch

PPPL-4905 Abstract


NSTX-U Digital Coil Protection System Software Design

Authors: Keith Erickson, et. al.

PPPL-4904 Abstract


Electron-scale Turbulence Spectra and Plasma Thermal Transport Responding to Continuous ExB Shear Ramping-up in a Spherical Tokamak

Authors: Ren, et. al.

PPPL-4903 Abstract


Electromagnetic and Structural Analyses of the ITER Central Solenoid Feeder Structures

Authors: A.M. Zolfaghan and K. Freudenberg

PPPL-4902 Abstract


ITER Power Supply Innovations and Advancements

Authors: C. Neumeyer, et. al.

PPPL-4901 Abstract


Real-time Mirror Steering for Improved Closed Loop NTM Suppression by ECCD in DIII-D

Authors: E. Kolemen, R. Ellis, R.J. La Haye, D.A. Humphreys, J. Lohr, S. Noraky, B.G. Penaflor, and A.S. Welander

PPPL-4900 Abstract


A Magnet Current Monitor for Gyrotron Magnet Power Supplies

Authors: N. Greenough and J. Lohr

PPPL-4899 Abstract


Digital Coil Protection System for the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade

Authors: R.E. Hatcher, et. al.

PPPL-4898 Abstract


A New High-Efficiency Stepper Moor Driver for Old Technology Stepper Motors

Authors: N. Greenough, C.C. Kung

PPPL-4897 Abstract


Identifying the Cause of the NSTX TF Coil Bundle Failure

Authors: L. E. Dudek, J. H. Chrzanowski, P. Heitzenroeder, T. Meighan, S. Ramakrishnan and M. Williams

PPPL-4896 Abstract


Reconfigurable Timing Unit for NSTX-U

Authors: S. DeLuca, P. Sichta, G. Tchilinguirian

PPPL-4895 Abstract


Thermal and Structural Analysis of the ITER ELM Coils

Authors: A. W. Brooks, Y. Zhai, E. Daly, M. Kalish, R. Pillsbury and A. Khodak

PPPL-4894 Abstract


A Method to Produce Lithium Pellets For Fueling and ELM Pacing in NSTX-U

Authors: D. Andruczyk, A.L. Roquemore, P. Fiflis, D. Mansfield and D.N. Ruzic

PPPL-4893 Abstract


NSTX-U Vacuum Vessel Design Modification

Authors: Neway D. Atnafu, et. al.

PPPL-4892 Abstract


Modification of NSTX-U Row 1 Outboard and Inboard Divertor Tiles for the Pprotection of the PF-1C Coils

Authors: K. Tresemer, S. Gerhardt, A. Brooks, A. Jariwala, R. Raman, P. Titus

PPPL-4891 Abstract


Dynamic RF Power Control for DIII-D ICH/FAST Wave Operation

Authors: C.C. Kung, et. al.

PPPL-4890 Abstract


Facilities for Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarator Research

Authors: G.H. Neilson, et. al.

PPPL-4889 Abstract


Solder Development and Fabrication Techniques for Coolant Tube Bonding In Toroidal Field Conductors for the National Spherical Torus Experiment

Authors: Stephan Z. Jurczynski, et. al.

PPPL-4888 Abstract


Core Transport of Lithium and Carbon in ELM-free Discharges with Lithium Wall Conditioning in NSTX

Authors: Filippo Scotti, et. al.

PPPL-4887 Abstract


Non-linear Modulation of Short Wavelength Compressional Alfven Eigenmodes

Authors: E. Fredrickson, et. al.

PPPL-4886 Abstract


Systems Analysis Exploration of Operating Points for the Korean Demo Program

Authors: C.E. Kessel, Keemin Kim, Jun Ho Yeom, T. Brown, P. Titus, G.H. Neilson

PPPL-4885 Abstract


Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas

Authors: M.A. Jaworski, et. al.

PPPL-4884 Abstract


First Observations of ELM Triggering by Injected Lithium Granules in EAST

Authors: D. Mansfield et. al.

PPPL-4883 Abstract


A Variational Multi-Symplectic PIC Algorithm with Smoothing Functions for the Vlasov Maxwell System

Authors: Jianyuan Xiao, Jian Liu, Hong Qin, and Zhi Yu

PPPL-4882 Abstract


Generalized Courant-Snyder Theory for Charged Particle Dynamics in General Focusing Lattices

Authors: Hong Qin, et al.

PPPL-4881 Abstract


Dependence of the L-H Transition on X-point Geometry and Divertor Recycling on NSTX

Authors: D. Battaglia, et. al

PPPL-4880 Abstract


Boundary Perturbations Coupled to Core 3/2 Tearing Modes on the DIII-D Tokamak

Authors: B.J. Tobias, et. al.

PPPL-4879 Abstract


Rotational Resonance of Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Braking in the KSTAR Tokamak

Authors: J.-K. Park, et.

PPPL-4878 Abstract


Fast 2-D Camera Control, Data Acquisition, and Database Techniques for Edge Studies on NSTX

Authors: W.M. Davis, M. K. Ko, R.J. Maqueda, A.L. Roquemore, F. Scotti, S.J. Zweben

PPPL-4877 Abstract


Collisionality Scaling of Main-ion Toroidal and Poloidal Rotation in Low Torque DIII-D Plasmas

Authors: B.A. Grierson, K.H. Burrell, W.M. Solomon, R.V. Budny, and J. Candy

PPPL-4876 Abstract


STELLOPT Modeling of the 3D Diagnostic Response in ITER

Authors: Samuel A. Lazerson and I.T. Chapman

PPPL-4875 Abstract


Alcator C-Mod Experimnts in Support of the ITER Baseline 15 MA Scenario

Authors: C.E. Kessel, S.M. Wolfe, I.H. Hutchinson, J.W. Hughes, Y. Lin, Y. Ma, D.R. Mikkelsen, F. Poli, M.L. Reinke, S.J. Wukitch, and the C-Mod Team

PPPL-4874 Abstract


Three-dimensional, Impulsive Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasm

Authors: S. Dorfman, H Ji, M. Yamada, J. Yoo, E. Lawrence, C. Myers, and T.D. Tharp

PPPL-4873 Abstract


Why is Boris Algorithm So Good?

Authors: Hong Qin et. al.

PPPL-4872 Abstract


On the Singularity of the Vlasov-Poisson System

Authors: Jian Zheng and Hong Qin

PPPL-4871 Abstract


Geometrical Optics of Dense Aerosols

Authors: Michael J. Hay, Ernest J. Valeo and Nathaniel J. Fisch

PPPL-4870 Abstract


Calculation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity with a Particle Simulation in the Tokamak Magnetic Breaking Experiments

Authors: Kimin Kim, et. al.

PPPL-4869 Abstract


Properties of Alfven Eigenmodes in the TAE range on the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade

Authors: M. Podesta, N.N. Gorelenkov, R.B. White, E.D. Fredrickson, S.P. Gerhardt and G.J. Kramer

PPPL-4868 Abstract


Numerical Verification of Bounce Harmonic Resonances in Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity for Tokamaks

Authors: Kimin Kim, Jong-Kyu Park, and Allen H. Boozer

PPPL-4867 Abstract


Effects of Magnetic Field on the Turbulent Wake of a Cyliner in MHD Channel Flow

Authors: John Rhoads, Eric Edlund and Hantao Ji

PPPL-4866 Abstract


Comparison of Gas Puff Imaging Data in NSTX with the DEGAS 2 Simulation

Authors: B. Cao, D.P. Stotler, S.J. Zweben, M. Bell, A.Diallo, B. LeBlanc

PPPL-4865 Abstract


Comparison of Edge Turbulence Imaging at Two Different Peloidal Locations in the Scrape-off Layer of Alcator C-Mod

Authors: S.J. Zweben, et. al.

PPPL-4864 Abstract


Computation of Multi-region Relaxed Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibria

Authors: S.R. Hudson, R.L. Dewar, G. Dennis, M.J. Hole, M. McGann, G. von Nessi and S. Lazerson

PPPL-4863 Abstract


Guiding Center Equations of High Accuracy

Authors: R.B. White, G. Spizzo, and M. Gobbin

PPPL-4862 Abstract


Automation of the Guiding Center Expansion

Authors: J.W. Burby, J. Squire and H. Qin

PPPL-4861 Abstract


FEMCAM Analysis of SULTAN Test Results for ITER Nb3SN Cable-conduit Conductors

Authors: Yuhu Zhai, Pierluigi Bruzzone, Ciro Calzolaio

PPPL-4860 Abstract


A Magnetic Diagnostic Code for 3D Fusion Equilibria

Authors: Samuel Aaron Lazerson, S. Sakakibara and Y. Suzuki

PPPL-4859 Abstract


An Energy Principle for Ideal MHD Equilibria with Flows

Authors: Yao Zhou and Hong Qin

PPPL-4858 Abstract


VEST: Abstract Vector Calculus Simplification in Mathematica

Authors: Jonathan Squire, J. Burby and H. Qin

PPPL-4857 Abstract


On Variational Methods in the Physics of Plasma Waves

Authors: I.Y. Dodin

PPPL-4856 Abstract


Scrape-off Layer Flows with Pressure Gradient Scale Length ~ Ρp

Authors: Robert J. Goldston

PPPL-4855 Abstract


Observation of Non-Maxwellian Electron Distributions in the NSTX Divertor

Authors:M.A. Jaworski, et. al.

PPPL-4854 Abstract


Guiding Center Equations for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Mode

Authors: Roscoe B. White

PPPL-4853 Abstract


Particle Control and Plasma Performance in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment (LTX)

Authors: Richard Majeski, et. al.

PPPL-4852 Abstract


Zonal Flow as Pattern Formation: Merging Jets and the Ultimate Jet Length Scale

Authors: Jeffrey B. Parker and John A. Krommes

PPPL-4851 Abstract


1.5D Quasilinear Model for Alpha Particle-TAE Interaction in ARIES ACT-I

Authors: K. Ghantous, N.N. Gorelenkov, C. Kessel, F. Poli

PPPL-4850 Abstract


Negative-mass Instability in Nonlinear Plasma Waves

Authors: I.Y. Dodin, P.F. Schmit, J. Rocks and N.J. Fisch

PPPL-4849 Abstract


Reduced-order Model Based Feedback Control of the Modified Hasegawa-Wakatani Model

Authors: R. Goumiri, C.W. Rowley, Z. Ma, D.A. Gates, J. A. Krommes and J. B. Parker

PPPL-4848 Abstract


Formation and Stability of Impurity "snakes" in Tokamak Plasma

Authors: L. Delgado-Aparicio, et. al.

PPPL-4847 Abstract


Transverse Focusing of Intense Charged Particle Beams with Chromatic Effects for Heavy Ion Fusion

Authors: James M. Mitrani, Igor D. Kaganovich, Ronald C. Davidson

PPPL-4846 Abstract


Detection of Disruptions in the High-B Spherical Torus NSTX

Authors: Stefan Gerhardt, D.S. Darrow, R.E. Bell, B.P. LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, D. Mueller, A.L. Roquemore, S.A. Sabbagh and H. Yuh

PPPL-4845 Abstract


Representation of Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Modes

Authors: Roscoe B. White

PPPL-4844 Abstract


Observation of EHO in NSTX and Theoretical Study of its Active Control Using HHFW Antenna

Authors: J.-K. Park, et al.

PPPL-4843 Abstract


Negative Compressibility and Inverse Problem for Spinning Gas

Authors: Vasily Geyko, and Nathaniel J. Fisch

PPPL-4842 Abstract


Physics of Radiation-driven Islands Near the Tokamak Density Limit

Authors: D. A. Gates, L. Delgado-Aparicio, R. B. White

PPPL-4841 Abstract


Instability, Collapse and Oscillation of Sheaths Caused by Secondary Electron Emission

Authors: M.D. Campanell, A.V. Khrabrov and I.D. Kaganovich

PPPL-4840 Abstract


PPPL Annual Site Environmental Report

Authors: Virginia Finley, Robert Sheneman and Jerry D. Levine

PPPL-4839 Abstract


Characteristics of Short Wavelength Compressional Alfven Eigenmodes

Authors: E.D. Fredrickson et. al.

PPPL-4838 Abstract


Mission and Readiness Assessment for Fusion Nuclear Facilities

Authors: G.H. Neilson, et. al.

PPPL-4837 Abstract


The Physics of Tokamak Start-up

Authors: D. Mueller

PPPL-4836 Abstract


Observation of Ion Acceleration and Heating During Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma

Authors: Jongsoo Yoo, et. al.

PPPL-4835 Abstract


Formation and Sustainment of ITPs in ITER with the Baseline Heating Mix

Authors: Francesca M. Poli and Charles Kessel

PPPL-4834 Abstract


The Dependence of H-mode Energy Cofinement and Transport on Collisionality in NSTX

Authors: S.M.. Kaye, S. Gerhardt, W. Guttenfelder, R. Maingi, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, B.P. LeBlanc and M. Podesta

PPPL-4833 Abstract


Comparing Linear Microinstability of the National Compact Stellarator Experiment and a Shaped Tokamak

Authors: J.A. Baumgaertel, G.W. Hammett, and D.R. Mikkelsen

PPPL-4832 Abstract


On the Toroidal Plasma Rotations Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves

Authors: Xiaoyin Guan, Hong Qin, Jian Liu and Nathaniel J. Fisch

PPPL-4831 Abstract


Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program and Prospects for Reactor-Relevant Liquid-Lithium Based Divertor Development

Authors: M. Ono, et al.

PPPL-4830 Abstract


Laser Cleaning of ITER's Diagnostic Mirrors

Authors: C. Skinner, C.A. Gentile and R. Doerner

PPPL-4829 Abstract


Comparison of Gas Puff Imaging Data in NSTX with the DEGAS 2 Simulation

Authors: B. Cao, D.P. Stotler, S.J. Zweben, M. Bell, A. Diallo and B. Leblanc

PPPL-4828 Abstract


Pertubative Study of Energetic Particle Redistribution by Alfven Eigenmodes in ITER

Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov, R.B. White

PPPL-4827 Abstract


PTRANSP Tests of TGLF and Predictions for ITER

Authors: Robert V. Budny, Xingqiu Yuan, S. Jardin, G. Hammett, G. Staebler, J. Kinsey, members of the ITPA Transport and Confinement Topical Group, and JET EFDA Contributors

PPPL-4826 Abstract


The Use of DC Glow Discharges as Undergraduate Educational Tools

Authors: Stephanie A. Wissel, Andrew Zwicker, Jerry Ross and Sophia Gershman

PPPL-4825 Abstract


Dynamic Stabilization of the Ablative Rayleigh-Taylor Instability for Heavy ion Fusion

Authors: Hong Qin, Ronald C. Davidson and B. Grant Logan

PPPL-4824 Abstract


Woltjer-Taylor State Without Taylor’s Conjecture – Plasma Relaxation at all Wavelengths

Authors: Hong Qin,Wandong Liu, Hong Li, and Jonathan Squire

PPPL-4823 Abstract