
Dynamic Stabilization of the Ablative Rayleigh-Taylor Instability for Heavy Ion Fusion

Authors: Hong Qin, Ronald C. Davidson and B. Grant Logan

Dynamic stabilization of the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a heavy ion fusion target induced by a beam wobbling system is studied. Using a sharp-boundary model and Courant-Synder theory, it is shown, with an appropriately chosen modulation waveform, that the instability can be sta- bilized in certain parameter regimes. It is found that the stabilization e ect has a strong dependence on the modulation frequency and the waveform. Modulation with frequency comparable to the instability growth rate is the most e ective in terms of stabilizing the instability. A modulation with two frequency components can result in a reduction of the growth rate larger than the sum of that due to the two components when applied separately.

Submitted to: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (October 2012)


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