
Observation of Non-Maxwellian Electron Distributions in th e NSTX Divertor

Authors: M.A. Jaworski, et. al.

The scrape-off layer plasma at the tokamak region is characterized by open field lines and often contains large variations in plasma properties along these field-lines. Proper characterization of local plasma conditions is critical to assessing plasma-material interaction processes occuring at the target. Langmuir probes are frequently employed in tokamak divertors but are challenging to interpretation. A kinetic interpretation for Langmuir probes in NSTX has yielded non-Maxwellian electron distributions in the divertor characterized by cool bulk populations and energetic tail populations with temperatures of 2-4 times the bulk. Spectroscopic analysis and modeling confirms the bulk plasma temperature and density which can only be obtained with the kinetic interpretation

Submitted to: Journal of Nuclear Materials, (June 2012) and 20th Plasma-Surface Intractions Conference, Aachen, Germany, (May 2012)


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