
Total Fluid Pressure Imbalance in the Scrape-Off Layer of Tokamak Plasmas

Authors:  R.M. Churchill, C.S. Chang, R. Hager, R. Maingi, R. Nazikian, D.P. Stotler

Abstract: Scrape-off layer (SOL) physics in tokamak devices are typically simulated using fluid codes, due to the generally high collisionality in this region.  However, research has revealed a number of discrepancies between experiment and leading SOL fluid codes (e.g. SOLPS),  including underestimating outer target temperatures[1], radial electric field in the SOL[2, 3, 1], parallel ion SOL flows at the low field side[4, 3, 5], and impurity radiation[6].  It was hypothesized by Chankin et al.[3] that these discrepancies  stem from the ad-hoc treatment of kinetic effects in fluid codes." "To  determine  the  importance  of  kinetic  effects in  the  SOL,  simulations were undertaken using the XGCa code[7], a total-f , gyrokinetic code which self- consistently calculates the axisymmetric electrostatic potential and plasma dynamics, and includes modules for Monte Carlo neutral transport. General features of the simulation results are investigated for kinetic effects,  but also in the future comparisons will be made to the fluid SOL transport code SOLPS[8].  We note here that the present study is without turbulence. Turbulence may alter  the results  presented here. Here we focus on the question of parallel  pressure balance in a low-density, low-power DIII-D H-mode plasma. A significant deviation from standard total pressure balance (pe + pi + mi ni Vi 2= const)  occurs in the  SOL of these  XGCa  simulations, and  here  we explore whether  the addition  of main ion viscosity and neutral source terms  can account for this deviation. The  rest  of  the  paper   is  organized   as  follows: Section  2  briefly  describes  the  XGCa  code,  Section 3  details   some  of  the   simulation   setup,   Section 4 discusses details of the pressure balance parallel to magnetic  field lines, including main ion viscosity and neutral source  terms,  and Section 5 wraps  up  with conclusions and plans for future  work.

Submitted to: Nuclear Fusion

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