Upper Port Plug 14 Diagnostic Shielding Module (DSM)
Authors: A. Jariwala, R.Feder, M. Smith, Y.
Zhai, W. Wang , T. Edgemon, L. Konkel
Abstract: There are 12 diagnostic upper port plugs
distributed around ITER vacuum vessel. Each diagnostic Upper Port
Plug (UPP) consists of three major components, 1) Port Plug
Structure (PPS) provides common and stable platform for variety of
diagnostics. 2) Diagnostic First Walls (DFWs) protect instruments
and diagnostics against high radiant and nuclear heating. 3)
Diagnostic Shield Module (DSM) supports DFW and various
diagnostic/instruments, provide nuclear shielding. DFW and PPS are
designed by ITER Organization (IO), and have been standardized for
every diagnostic port. US is responsible for designing and
manufacturing customized Upper Port 11 and Upper Port 14 DSM.
Presented at: 22nd Topical Meeting on the
Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE), Philadelphia, PA, August 2016
Submitted to: American Nuclear Society (ANS)
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