Ion Temperature Effects on Magnetotail Alfven Wave Propagation and Electron Energization
Authors: P.A. Damiano, J.R. Johnson, and C.C.
Abstract: A new 2D self-consistent hybrid
gyrofluid-kinetic electron model in dipolar coordinates is
presented and used to simulate dispersive scale Alfven wave pulse
propagation from the equator to the ionosphere along an L = 10
magnetic field line. The model is an extension of the hybrid
MHD-kinetic electron model [Damiano et al., 2007] that
incorporates ion Larmor radius corrections via the kinetic fluid
model of Cheng and Johnson [1999]. It is found that
consideration of a realistic ion to electron temperature ratio
decreases the propagation time of the wave from the plasma sheet
to the ionosphere by several seconds relative to a Pi = 0
case (which also implies shorter timing for a substorm onset
signal) and leads to significant dispersion of wave energy
perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field. Additionally,
ion temperature effects reduce the parallel current and electron
energization all along the field line for the same magnitude
perpendicular electric field perturbation.
Submitted to: Journal of Geophysical Research -
Space Physics
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