Additive Manufacturing of Steady-State Mirrors for the KSTAR
ECH Launchers
Authors: R. Ellis, J. Hosea
Abstract: Electron Cyclotron Heating (ECH)
launchers typically use a fixed and a steerable mirror to direct a
microwave beam to a small volume of a plasma, for the purpose of
heating or current drive. Superconducting tokamaks such as KSTAR
are now operating their ECH systems at pulse lengths that require
steady-state equilibrium between heat input and heat extraction.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory has designed, and fabricated,
a set of fixed and steerable mirrors for use in the KSTAR system
during the 2015 campaign. During the course of our design work,
the emergence of additive manufacturing, or 3-D printing, of metal
components prompted a decision to take advantage of this
technology in our mirrors. This paper gives a brief overview of
additive manufacturing. The design of the fixed and steerable
mirrors is described. Some analytical results are presented, and
the use of novel design features made possible through 3-D
printing is described. Possibilities for additional applications
of 3-D printing are discussed.
Presented at: IEEE 26th Symposium on Fusion
Engineering (SOFE) Austin, TX, May 31-June 4, 2015
Download PPPL-5157 (pdf 3.2 MB 8 pp)