
Nonlinear frequency shift of electrostatic waves 
in general collisionless plasma:  unifying theory of
 fluid and kinetic nonlinearities

Authors:    C. Liu and I. Y. Dodin

Abstract:   The nonlinear frequency shift is derived in a transparent asymptotic form for intense Langmuir waves in general collisionless plasma. The formula describes both fluid and kinetic eff ects simultaneously. The fluid nonlinearity is expressed through the plasma dielectric function, and the kinetic nonlinearity accounts for both smooth distributions and trapped-particle beams. The various known limiting scalings are reproduced as special cases. The calculation does not involve solving any differential equations and can be extended straightforwardly to other nonlinear plasma waves.  PACS numbers: 52.35.Mw, 52.35.Sb, 52.35.Fp, 45.20.Jj

Submitted to:  Physics of Plasmas

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