Two-stream Instability With Time-dependent Drift Velocity
Authors: Hong Qin and Ronald C. Davidson
Abstract: The classical two-stream instability driven by a constant relative drift velocity between
two plasma components is extended to the case with time-dependent drift
velocity. A solution method is developed to rigorously define and calculate the instability
growth rate for linear perturbations relative to the time-dependent unperturbed
two-stream motions. Stability diagrams for the oscillating two-stream instability are
presented over a large region of parameter space. It is shown that the growth rate
for the classical two-stream instability can be significantly reduced by adding an
oscillatory component to the relative drift velocity.
Published in: Phys. Plasmas 21 , 064505 (2014) ; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4885076
OSTI I.D.: 1148568
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