Equilibrium Spline Interface (ESI) For Magnetic Confinement Codes
Authors: Xujing Li and Leonid E. Zakharov
A compact and comprehensive interface between magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equilibrium codes and gyro-kinetic, particle orbit, MHD stability, and transport codes is presented.
Its irreductible set of equilibrium data consists of three (in 2D case with occasionally one extra in 3-D case) functions of coordinates and four 1-D radial profiles together
with their first and mixed derivatives. The C reconstruction routines, accessible also from FORTRAN, allow the calculation of basis functions an
their first derivatives at any position inside the plasma and in its vicinity. After this all vector fields and geometric coefficients, required for the above
mentioned types of codes, can be calculated using only algebraic operations with no further interpolation or differentiation.
Submitted to: Journal of Computational Physics (March 2014)
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