
Theory Verification and Numerical Bnchmarking on Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Torque

Authors: Z. Wang, et. al.

Systematic veri cation and numerical benchmarking have been success- fully carried out among three di erent approaches of neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV) theory and the corresponding codes: IPEC-PENT is devel- oped based on the combined NTV theory but without geometric simpli - cations [1]; MARS-Q includes smoothly connected NTV formula [2] based on Shaing's analytic formulation in various collisionality regimes; MARS- K, originally computing the drift kinetic energy, is upgraded to compute the NTV torque based on the equivalence between drift kinetic energy and NTV torque [3]. The derivation and numerical results both indicate that the imaginary part of drift kinetic energy computed by MARS-K is equivalent to the NTV torque in IPEC-PENT. In the benchmark of precession resonance between MARS-Q and MARS-K/IPEC-PENT, the agreement and correla- tion between the connected NTV formula and the combined NTV theory in di erent collisionality regimes is shown for the rst time. Additionally, both IPEC-PENT and MARS-K indicate the importance of the bounce har monic resonance which can greatly enhance the NTV torque when E X B drift frequency reaches the bounce resonance condition.

Submitted to: Physics of Plasmas (October 2013)


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