Bishop-Taylor Equilibrium and Equilibrium Reconstruction Codes
Authors: Joshua B. Kallman and Leonid E. Zakharov
The properties of Bishop-Taylor equilibria and the algorithm of their calculations, implemented into numerical code Cbbsh, are described. These equilibria are unique in having the shape of magnetic surfaces not dependent on the poloidal flux distribution, which, in its turn, determines both the current and pressure profiles in this case. These equilibria can be calculated with any precision, using only 3 ordinary differential equations. Possessing a free profile, they can be used for calibrating equilibrium and stability codes. They are also especially valuable for equilibrium reconstruction as a precise example of a configuration where the external magnetic field does not depend on the current density.
Published in: Physics of Plasmas 14, 072504 (2007) 6 pp
doi: 10.1063/1.2749498
© (2007) American Institute of Physics.
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