PPPL-3979 is available in pdf format (792 KB).
2-D Imaging of Electron Temperature in Tokamak Plasmas
Authors: T. Munsat, E. Mazzucato, H. Park, C.W. Domier, M. Johnson, N.C. Luhmann Jr., J. Wang, Z. Xia, I.G.J. Classen, A.J.H. Donné, and M.J. van de Pol
Date of PPPL Report: July 2004
Submitted to: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science for the 4th Triennial Special Issue: Images in Plasma Science (February 2005)
By taking advantage of recent developments in millimeter wave imaging technology, an Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging (ECEI) instrument, capable of simultaneously measuring 128 channels of localized electron temperature over a 2-D map in the poloidal plane, has been developed for the TEXTOR tokamak. Data from the new instrument, detailing the MHD activity associated with a sawtooth crash, is presented.