
Experimental verification of the role of electron pressure in fast magnetic reconnection with a guide field

thors: W. Fox, J. Jara-Almonte, J. Yoo, H. Ji, and M. Yamada

Abstract: We report detailed laboratory observations of the structure of a reconnection current sheet in a two-fluid plasma regime with a guide magnetic field. We make the first detailed laboratory measurements and quantitative analysis of the quadrupolar electron pressure variation in the ion- di ffusion region, as originally predicted by extended MHD simulations. The projection of the electron pressure gradient parallel to the magnetic field contributes signifi cantly to balancing the parallel electric fi eld, and the resulting cross-field electron jets in the reconnection layer are diamagnetic in origin. These results demonstrate how parallel and perpendicular force balance are coupled in guide field reconnection and con rm basic theoretical models of the importance of electron pressure gradients in establishing a current sheet geometry favorable for fast magnetic reconnection.

Submitted to: Physical Review Letters

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