Error Field Measurement, Correction and Heat Flux Balancing on
Wendelstein 7-X
Authors: S. Lazerson, D. Gates
Abstract: The measurement and correction of error fields
in Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is critical to long pulse high beta
operation, as small error fields may cause overloading of
divertor plates in some configurations. Accordingly, as part of a
broad collaborative effort, the detection and correction of error
fields on the W7-X experiment has been performed using the trim
coil system in conjunction with the flux surface mapping
diagnostic and high resolution infrared camera . In the early
commissioning phase of the experiment, the trim coils were used to
open an n/m=1/2 island chain in a specially designed magnetic
configuration. The flux surfacing mapping diagnostic was then able
to directly image the magnetic topology of the experiment,
allowing the inference of a small 4 cm intrinsic island chain.
The suspected main sources of the error field, slight
misalignment and deformations of the superconducting coils, are
then conconfirmed through experimental modeling using the
detailed measurements of the coil positions. Observations of the
limiters temperatures in module 5 shows a clear dependence of the
limiter heat flux pattern as the perturbing field are
rotated. Plasma experiments without applied correcting field show
a significant asymmetry in neutral pressure (centered in module 4)
and light emission (visible, H-alpha, CII, and CIII). Such
pressure asymmetry is associated with plasma-wall (limiter)
interaction asymmetries between the modules. Application of trim
coil fields with n=1 waveform correct the imbalance. Confirmation
of the error fields allows the assessment of
magnetic fields which resonate with the n/m=5/5 island chain.
Submitted to: Physical Review Letters
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