
Progress in K-DEMO Heating/Current Drive and Tokamak Configuration Development

Authors: G.H. Neilson, D. Mikkelsen, C. Kessel, T. Brown, P. Titus, H. Zhang, K. Im, J.S. Park and S. Kwon

Abstract: Analyses of the plasma heating and current drive configuration and aspects of the tokamak configuration for K-DEMO are reported. A combination of heating and current drive technologies, i.e., lower hybrid waves (LH), neutral beams (NB), electron cyclotron waves (EC), and ion cyclotron conventional fast waves (IC) is considered for satisfying multiple requirements, including steady state current drive. Parameter scan calculations for each of the four technologies have quantified the dependence of key performance metrics, such as driven current per watt and radial profile, on design variables. Tokamak configuration studies have investigated requirements on the in-vessel systems for maintainability, access for piping services, and structural support against magnetic forces. The blanket-shield system is segmented into a small number (48) of large modules, supported in part by a segmented semi-permanent inboard shell. Structural analysis has addressed stresses due to eddy currents resulting from a vertical-displacement event disruption, static forces due to the magnetic materials in the blanket structures, and thermal stresses

Submitted to: 26th Annual IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Kyoto, Japan

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