Elimination of Inter-discharge Helium Glow Discharge Cleaning
with Lithium Evaporation in NSTX
Authors: R. Maingi, R. Kaita, F. Scotti,
V.A. Soukhanovskii, and the NSTX team
Abstract: Operation in the National Spherical Torus
Experiment (NSTX) typically used either periodic boronization and
inter-shot helium glow discharge cleaning (HeGDC), or intershot
lithium evaporation without boronization, and initially with
inter-shot HeGDC. To assess the viability of operation without
HeGDC, dedicated experiments were conducted in which Li
evaporation was used while systematically shrinking the HeGDC
between shots from the standard 10 minutes to zero (10 -> 6.5
-> 4 -> 0). Good shot reproducibility without HeGDC was
achieved with lithium evaporations of 100 mg or higher;
evaporations of 200-300 mg typically resulted in very low ELM
frequency or ELM-free operation, reduced wall fueling, and
improved energy confinement. The use of HeGDC before lithium
evaporation modestly reduced Dα in the outer scrape-off layer, but
not at the strike point. Pedestal electron and ion temperature
also improved modestly, suggesting that HeGDC prior to lithium
evaporation is a useful tool for experiments that seek to maximize
plasma performance.
Submitted to: Nuclear Materials and Energy
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