
Modeling of Lithium Granule Injection in NSTX with M3D-C1

Authors:  A. Fil, E. Kolemen, A. Bortolon, N. Ferraro, S. Jardin, P.B. Parks, R. Lunsford, R. Maingi

Abstract:  In this paper we present high level simulations of pedestal control by Lithium Granule Injection (LGI) in NSTX. A model for small granule ablation has been implemented in the M3D-C1 code [1], allowing the modeling of realistic Lithium granules injections. 2D simulations in NSTX L-mode and H-mode plasmas are done and the effect of granule size, injection angle and velocity on the ablation time are studied. For H-mode cases, the local pressure perturbation triggered by the granules is highly dependent on the solid granule size. A change of the granule velocity allows one to inject more particles at the pedestal top.

Submitted to: Nuclear Materials and Energy

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