Initial operation of the NSTX-Upgrade Real-Time Velocity diagnostic
Authors: M. Podesta, R. E. Bell
Abstract: A Real-Time Velocity (RTV) diagnostic
based on active charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy is now
operational on the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade
(NSTX-U) spherical torus [J. E. Menard et al., Nucl. Fusion 52,
083015 (2012)]. The system has been designed to supply plasma
velocity data in real time to the NSTX-U Plasma Control System, as
required for the implementation of toroidal rotation control.
Measurements are available from four radii at a maximum sampling
frequency of 5 kHz. Post-discharge analysis of RTV data provides
additional information on ion temperature, toroidal velocity and
density of carbon impurities. Examples of physics studies enabled
by RTV measurements from initial operations of NSTX-U are
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