
CIXS Diagnostic Components Testing in ITER-like Environment

Authors:  N. Allen, R.Feder, K. Hill, L. Delgado-Aparicio, M. Duco, B. Stratton, 
J. Rice, Tilman Donath, Clemens Schulze-Briese

Abstract:  The Core Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer (CIXS) diagnostic is an x-ray diagnostic to be used at ITER. CIXS will be located in a diagnostic port arranged at the equatorial plasma mid-plane position and used to measure x-rays from the mid to upper parts of the plasma. This diagnostic is designed to measure ion temperature, impurity density, and plasma rotation as a primary diagnostic. Backup measurement include of the electron temperature profile. Achieving these measurements will require the use of an x-ray detector to take measurements of the incoming xrays from the plasma.

Presented at:  Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, Philadelphia, PA, August 2016

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