
Localization of ULF waves in multi-ion plasmas of the planetary magnetosphere

Authors:  Eun-Hwa Kim, Jay R. Johnson, and Dong-Hun Lee

Abstract:  By adopting 2D time-dependent wave code, we investigate how mode-converted waves at the ion-ion hybrid resonance and compressional waves propagate in 2D density structures with wide range of field-aligned wavenumber to background magnetic fields. The simulation results show that the mode-converted waves have continuous band across the field line consistent with previous numerical studies. These waves also have harmonic structures in frequency and are also localized in the field-aligned heavy ion density well. Our results thus emphasis an importance of field-aligned heavy ion density structure on ULF wave propagation and suggest the ion-ion hybrid waves can be localized in different location along the field line.


Submitted to:  Journal of Astronomy and Space Science

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