Physics and Engineering Assessments of the K-DEMO Magnet Configuration
Authors: G.H. Neilson, T. Brown, K. Im, C. Kessel, K. Kim, P. Titus, Y. Zhai
Abstract: Increased attention is being given now to studies of next-step fusion facilities with nuclear missions. Among these, South Korea's K DEMO is unique in its focus on a high toroidal magnetic field, large major radius, steady-state tokamak design for the core of a facility to test fusion nuclear components in Phase I and, after upgrades, produce 500 MW of electricity in a Phase II. Innovative features of the K DEMO magnet set include the use of two toroidal field (TF) coil winding packs with conductor grading and a machine configuration designed for vertical maintenance. The magnet arrangement features large TF coils and widelyspaced poloidal field (PF) coils to accommodate removal of in-vessel components as large modules. Physics and engineering assessments of the pre-conceptual K-DEMO magnet configuration are reported, including: 1) design point and operating space assessment, 2) conductor assessment, and 3) structural assessment. It is found that a reference design point at 6.8 m major radius and 7.4 T toroidal field provides sufficient operating margins for the 500 MWe Phase II mission. Analyses of candidate cable-in-conduit conductors provide predictions of critical current degradation, both in the initial load cycle and an additionally with cyclic loading. A first-pass global analysis of the magnet system found minimal out-of-plane deformations of the TF coil, but an overstress condition in the inner leg of the TF coil. However an analysis taking into account elastic-plastic behavior, frictional sliding, and displacement shows that the structure can safely carry the load. Although the design evolution is still at an early stage, these assessments support the design point choices to date and the expectation that a feasible solution for the high-field K DEMO magnet system can be found.