
Response of Impurity Particle Confinement Time to External Acuators in QA-mode Plasmas on DIII-D

Authors: B.A. Grierson, et. al.

A series of quiescent H-mode discharges have been executed with the speci c aim of determining the particle con nement time of impurities in the presence of the edge harmonic oscillation. These discharges utilize non-intrinsic, non-recycling fully-stripped flouorine as the diagnostic species monitored by charge- exchange recombination spectroscopy. It is found that the EHO is an efficient means of impurity expulsion from the core plasma, with impurity exhaust rates exceeding those in companion ELMing discharges. As the external torque from neutral beam injection is lowered, the global energy con nement time increases while the impurity con nement time does not display an increase.

Submitted to: Nuclear Fusion (December 2013)


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