
Quantitative Study Of Guide Field Effects on Hall Reconnection In A Laboratory Plasma

Authors: T. D. Tharp, M. Yamada, H. Ji, E. Lawrence, S. Dorfman, C. Myers, and J. Yoo

The effect of guide field on magnetic reconnection is quantitatively studied by systematically varying an applied guide field in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment (MRX). The quadrupole field, a signature of two-fluid reconnection at zero guide field, is significantly altered by a finite guide field. It is shown that the reconnection rate is significantly reduced with increasing guide field, and this dependence is explained by a combination of local and global physics: locally, the in-plane Hall currents are reduced, while globally guide field compression produces an increased pressure both within and downstream of the reconnection region.

Submitted to: Physicall Review Letters (April 2012)


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