
Inductive Sustainment of Oblate Field-Reversed Configurations with the Assistance of Magnetic Diffusion, Shaping, and Finite-Larmor Radius Stabilization

Authors: S.P. Gerhardt, E. V. Belova, M. Yamada, H. Ji, M. Inomoto, C. M. Jacobson, R. Maqueda, B. McGeehan, and Y. Ren

Oblate field-reversed configurations FRCs have been sustained for >300 µs, or >15 magnetic diffusion times, through the use of an inductive solenoid. These argon FRCs can have their poloidal flux sustained or increased, depending on the timing and strength of the induction. An inward pinch is observed during sustainment, leading to a peaking of the pressure profile and maintenance of the FRC equilibrium. The good stability observed in argon (and krypton) does not transfer to lighter gases, which develop terminal co-interchange instabilities. The stability in argon and krypton is attributed to a combination of external field shaping, magnetic diffusion, and finite-Larmor radius effects.

Phys. Plasmas 15, 022503 (2008) (16 pages)
© 2008 American Institute of Physics.

DOI: 10.1063/1.2837512

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