[42]Publication Reports For Fiscal Year[2007]

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PPPL-4186 is available in pdf format (496 KB).

On High-frequency Gyrokinetics in Magnetically-confined Plasmas

Authors: R.A. Kolesnikov, W.W. Lee, H. Qin, and E. Startsev

PPPL-4186 Abstract

PPPL-4187 is available in pdf format (1.9 MB).

Reference Lithium Deposition on NSTX Plasma Facing Components by LITER–1 Evaporator

Authors: L.E. Zakharov, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, and C.H. Skinner

PPPL-4187 Abstract

PPPL-4188 is available in pdf format (836 KB).

Progress in the Construction of NCSX

Authors: G. Neilson, B. Nelson, N. Pomphrey, W. Reiersen, A. Boozer, A. Brooks, T. Brown, M. Cole, L. Dudek, J. Chrzanowski, H.M. Fan, P. Fogarty, E. Fredrickson, G. Gettelfinger, P. Goranson, P. Heitzenroeder, E. Lazarus, J. Lyon, F. Malinowski, S. Raftopoulos, B. Stratton, R. Simmons, R. Strykowsky, M. Viola, M. Williams, D. Williamson, and M. Zarnstorff

PPPL-4188 Abstract

PPPL-4189 is available in pdf format (313 KB).

High Frequency Shear Alfvén Instability driven by Circulating Energetic Ions in NSTX

Authors: Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, R.B. White, and Yu.V. Yakovenko

PPPL-4189 Abstract

PPPL-4190 is available in pdf format (734 KB).

Magnetic Energy Release during the 2002 September 9 Solar Flare

Authors: Jeongwoo Lee, Dale E. Gary, and G.S. Choe

PPPL-4190 Abstract

PPPL-4191 is available in pdf format (720 KB).

Edge Turbulence Measurements in Toroidal Fusion Devices

Authors: S.J. Zweben, J.A. Boedo, O. Grulke, C. Hidalgo, B. LaBombard, R.J. Maqueda, P. Scarin, and J.L. Terry

PPPL-4191 Abstract

PPPL-4192 is available in pdf format (712 KB).

Simulation of the Hybrid and Steady State Advanced Operating Modes in ITER

Authors: C.E. Kessel, G. Giruzzi, A.C.C. Sips, R.V. Budny, J.F. Artaud, V. Basiuk, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, M. Schneider, T. Luce, M. Murakami, Holger St. John, T. Oikawa, N. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, T. Ozeki, Y-S. Na, J.M. Park, J. Garcia, A.A. Tucillo

PPPL-4192 Abstract

PPPL-4193 is available in pdf format (800 KB).

Experimental Simulations of Beam Propagation over Large Distances in a Compact Linear Paul Trap

Authors: Erik P. Gilson, Moses Chung, Ronald C. Davidson, Mikhail Dorf, Philip C. Efthimion, and Richard Majeski

PPPL-4193 Abstract

PPPL-4194 is available in pdf format (504 KB).

Atomic Physics in ITER — The Foundation for the Next Step to Fusion Power

Authors: D.P. Stotler, R.E. Bell, K.W. Hill, D.W. Johnson, and F.M. Levinton

PPPL-4194 Abstract

PPPL-4195 is available in pdf format (418 KB).

Linear Comparison of Gyrokinetic Codes with Trapped Electrons

Authors: G. Rewoldt, Z. Lin, and Y. Idomura

PPPL-4195 Abstract

PPPL-4196 is available in pdf format (520 KB).

Configuration Optimization and Physics Basis for ARIES-CS

Authors: L.P. Ku, J.F. Lyon, and the ARIES Team

PPPL-4196 Abstract

PPPL-4197 is available in pdf format (356 KB).

Stabilization of the Quasi-interchange Mode in Tokamaks by Circulating Energetic Ions

Authors: Ya.I. Kolesnichenko, V.V. Lutsenko, V.S. Marchenko, and R.B. White

PPPL-4197 Abstract


Characterization of Small, Type V ELMs in the National Spherical Torus Experiment

Authors: R. Maingi, M.G. Bell, E.D. Fredrickson, K.C. Lee, R.J. Maqueda, P. Snyder, et al.

PPPL-4198 Abstract

PPPL-4199 is available in pdf format (904 KB).

Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Cylindrical Hall Thrusters

Authors: Artem Smirnov, Yegeny Raitses, and Nathaniel J. Fisch

PPPL-4199 Abstract

PPPL-4200 is available in pdf format (1.5 MB).

Derivatives of the Local Ballooning Growth Rate with Respect to Surface Label, Field Line Label and Ballooning Parameter

Author: S.R. Hudson

PPPL-4200 Abstract

PPPL-4201 is available in pdf format (256 KB).

Effects of Energetic Beam Ions on Stability Properties of Field-reversed Configurations

Authors: E.V. Belova, R.C. Davidson, H. Ji, M. Yamada, and S. Gerhardt

PPPL-4201 Abstract

PPPL-4202 is available in pdf format (10.1 MB).

Recent Developments in Electron Cyclotron Emission Research on Magnetically Confined Plasmas

Author: Gary Taylor

PPPL-4202 Abstract

PPPL-4203 is available in pdf format (4.8 MB).

Novel Design Methods for Magnetic Flux Loops in NCSX, the National Compact Stellarator Experiment

Authors: N. Pomphrey, E. Lazarus, M. Zarnstorff, A. Boozer, and A. Brooks

PPPL-4203 Abstract

PPPL-4204 is available in pdf format (1.6 MB).

Investigation of MHD Phenomena in NSTX using a Fast Soft X-Ray Imaging Camera

Authors: C.E. Bush, B.C. Stratton, J. Robinson, L.E. Zakharov, E. Fredrickson, D. Stutman, and K. Tritz

PPPL-4204 Abstract

PPPL-4205 is available in pdf format (1.1 MB).

Assessment of Transport in NCSX

Authors: D.R. Mikkelsen, H. Maassberg, M.C. Zarnstorff, C.D. Beidler, W.A. Houlberg, W. Kernbichler, H. Mynick, D.A. Spong, P. Strand, and V. Tribaldos

PPPL-4205 Abstract

PPPL-4206 is available in pdf format (366 KB).

Transport Physics of Hybrid Scenario Plasmas in the International Multi-Tokamak Database and Implications for ITER

Authors: R.V. Budny, C.E. Kessel, J.E. Kinsey, F. Imbeaux, I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Candy, R.E. Waltz, T. Fujita, C.M. Greenfield, M. Murakami, A.C.C. Sips, W.A. Houlberg, E.J. Doyle, for the ITPA Topical Group on Transport Physics and the ITPA Profile Database Working Group

PPPL-4206 Abstract

PPPL-4207 is available in pdf format (1.5 MB).

Plasma Start-up In NSTX Using Transient CHI

Authors: R. Raman, T.R. Jarboe, D. Mueller, B.A. Nelson, M.G. Bell, M. Ono, T. Bigelow, R. Kaita, B. LeBlanc, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, S. Paul, L. Roquemore, and The NSTX Research Team

PPPL-4207 Abstract

PPPL-4208 is available in pdf format (768 KB).

Energy Confinement Scaling in the Low Aspect Ratio National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)

Authors: S.M. Kay, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, E.D. Fredrickson, B.P. LeBlanc, K.C. Lee, S. Lynch, and S.A. Sabbagh

PPPL-4208 Abstract

PPPL-4209 is available in pdf format (1 MB).

A High-order Implicit Finite Element Method for Integrating the Extended-magneto-hydrodynamic Equations in Two Dimensions

Authors: S.C. Jardin, J. Breslau, and N. Ferraro

PPPL-4209 Abstract

PPPL-4210 is available in pdf format (994 kB).

Discrete Compressional Alfvén Eigenmode Spectrum in Tokamaks

Authors: N.N. Gorelenkov, E.D. Fredrickson, W.W. Heidbrink, N.A. Crocker, S. Kubota, and W.A. Peebles

PPPL-4210 Abstract

PPPL-4211 is available in pdf format (1.9 MB).

Overview of Recent Physics Results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)

Authors: J.E. Menard, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, S. Bernabei, J. Bialek, T. Biewer, and W. Blanchard, et al.

PPPL-4211 Abstract

PPPL-4212 is available in pdf format (552 kB).

Efficient Generation of Closed Magnetic Flux Surfaces in a Large Spherical Tokamak Using Coaxial Helicity Injection

Authors: R. Raman, B.A. Nelson, M.G. Bell, T.R. Jarboe, D. Mueller, T. Bigelow, B. LeBlanc, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, M. Ono, and R. Wilson

PPPL-4212 Abstract

PPPL-4213 is available in pdf format (628 kB).

Collective Temperature Anisotropy Instabilities in Intense Charged Particle Beams

Authors: Edward A. Startsev, Ronald C. Davidson, and Hong Qin

PPPL-4213 Abstract

PPPL-4214 is available in pdf format (2 MB).

Equilibrium and Flux Surface Issues in the Design of NCSX

Authors: A. Reiman, S. Hirshman, S. Hudson, D. Monticello, P. Rutherford, A. Boozer, A. Brooks, R. Hatcher, L. Ku, E.A. Lazarus, H. Neilson, D. Strickler, R. White, and M. Zarnstorff

PPPL-4214 Abstract

PPPL-4215 is available in pdf format (496 KB).

Hydrodynamic Turbulence Cannot Transport Angular Momentum Effectively in Astrophysical Disks

Authors: Hantao Ji, Michael Burin, Ethan Schartman, and Jeremy Goodman

PPPL-4215 Abstract


Tearing Mode Stability of Model Plasmas in the National Compact Stellarator Experiment

Authors: E.D. Fredrickson, M.C. Zarnstorff, and E.A. Lazarus

PPPL-4216 Abstract


Kinetic Effects in a Hall Thruster Discharge

Authors: I.D. Kaganovich, Y. Raitses, D. Sydorenko, and A. Smolyakov

PPPL-4217 Abstract


Low Recycling Regime in ITER and the LiWall Concept for its Divertor

Authors: L.E. Zakharov, W. Blanchard, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, R. Majeski, and J. Timberlake

PPPL-4218 Abstract


Nonlinear Ponderomotive Force by Low Frequency Waves and Nonresonant Current Drive

Authors: Zhe Gao, Nathaniel J. Fisch, and Hong Qin

PPPL-4219 Abstract


3D Modeling of the Sawtooth Instability in a Small Tokamak

Authors: J.A. Breslau, S.C. Jardin, and W. Park

PPPL-4220 Abstract


Advanced Fuelling System for use as a Burn Control Tool in a Burning Plasma Device

Author: Roger Raman

PPPL-4221 Abstract


Bishop-Taylor Equilibrium and Equilibrium Reconstruction Codes

Authors: Joshua B. Kallman and Leonid E. Zakharov

PPPL-4222 Abstract


Effects of Finite Pulse Length, Magnetic Field, and Gas Ionization on Ion Beam Pulse Neutralization by Background Plasma

Authors: Igor D. Kaganovich, Adam B. Sefkow, Edward A. Startsev, Ronald C. Davidson, and Dale R. Welch

PPPL-4223 Abstract


Geometric Gyrokinetic Theory for Edge Plasmas

Authors: H. Qin, R.H. Cohen, W.M. Nevins, and X.Q. Xu

PPPL-4224 Abstract


Extremely Low Recycling and High Power Density Handling in CDX-U Lithium Experiments

Authors: R. Kaita, R. Majeski, R. Doerner, T. Gray, H. Kugel, T. Lynch, R. Maingi, D. Mansfield, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Spaleta, J. Timberlake, and L. Zakharov

PPPL-4225 Abstract


Eigenvalue Problems for Beltrami Fields Arising in a 3-D Toroidal MHD Equilibrium Problem

Authors: S.R. Hudson, M.J. Hole, and R.L. Dewar

PPPL-4226 Abstract


Effects of non-Maxwellian Electron Velocity Distribution Function on Two-stream Instability in Low-pressure Discharges

Authors: D. Sydorenko, A. Smolyakov, I. Kaganovich, and Y. Raitses

PPPL-4227 Abstract