Pressure-induced Breaking of Equilibrium Flux Surfaces in the W7AS Stellarator
Authors: A. Reiman, M.C. Zarnstorff, D. Monticello, A. Weller, J. Geiger, and the W7-AS Team
Calculations are presented for two shots in the W7AS stellarator which differ only in the magnitude of the current in the divertor control coil, but have very different values of experimentally attainable β (<β> ≈ 2.7% versus <β> ≈ 1.8%). Equilibrium calculations find that a region of chaotic magnetic field line trajectories fills approximately the outer 1/3 of the cross-section in each of these configurations. The field lines in the stochastic region are calculated to behave as if the flux surfaces are broken only locally near the outer midplane and are preserved elsewhere. The calculated magnetic field line diffusion coefficients in the stochastic regions for the two shots are consistent with the observed differences in the attainable β, and are also consistent with the differences in the reconstructed pressure profiles.
Published in Nuclear Fusion (July 2007)
A. Reiman et al 2007 Nucl. Fusion 47 572–578
Copyright (2007) IAEA, Vienna
doi: 10.1088/0029-5515/47/7/008
Presented at the 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 16–21 October, 2006, Chengdu, China (website)
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