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Low- to High-confinement Mode Transitions in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Authors: S.M. Kaye, C.E. Bush, E. Fredrickson, B. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, and S.A. Sabbagh
Date of PPPL Report: July 2003
Published in: Phy. Plasmas 10 (October 2003) 3953-3960.
Edge data from plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) [S. Kaye et al., Fusion Technology 36 (1999) 16] have been compared to theories of transport suppression that have been used to develop a physics framework for low-confinement (L) to high-confinement (H) mode transitions. The NSTX data were obtained in low aspect ratio (R/a approximately equal to 1.3) discharges taken from a variety of discharge phases, including L-modes, L-H transitions, and H-modes with and without edge localized modes (ELMs). The comparisons show that the group of points taken just before the L-H mode transition are well mixed with the purely L-mode group to within the measurement uncertainties, indicating that changes in these parameters leading up to the transition are subtle. One of the theory parameters, aMHD = -Rq2dbt/dr, does show a clear threshold (aMHD = 1 to 2) between the H-mode grouping of points and those remaining in the L-mode or taken just prior to the transition. Additionally, there is no evidence for an edge temperature threshold necessary for transitioning into the H-mode. NSTX data indicate further a possible connection between L-H transitions and non-ambipolar beam ion losses.