PPPL-3841 is available in pdf format (840 KB).
Microturbulence, Heat, and Particle Fluxes in JET and DIII-D ITB Plasmas with Highly Reversed Magnetic Shear
Authors: R.V. Budny, R. Andre, C.D. Challis, W. Dorland, R. Dux, D.R. Ernst, C. Giroud, C.W. Gowers, C.M. Greenfield, N. Hawkes, G.W. Hammett, W.A. Houlberg, T.C. Luce, M.A. Makowski, D. Mikkelsen, M. Murakami, R. Prentice, G. Staebler, B. Stratton, M.R. Wade, W.P. West, and contributors to the EFDA-JET and DIII-D work programs
Date of PPPL Report: July 2003
Presented at: the 30th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 7-11 July 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia Federation, Russia.
Practical tokamak reactors will need to maintain high ion temperatuare and nD approximately equal to nT in the core for long durations. These conditions will necessitate low energy transport, low impurity concentrations, and high bootstrap current. Large extrapolations from present experiments are needed to predict performance. A number of approaches are being used for these extrapolations including: (1) dimensionless scaling arguments, (2) empirical scaling, and (3) physics-based simulations of anomalous transport.