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Microturbulence and Flow Shear in High-performance JET ITB Plasma
Authors: R.V. Budny, R. Andre, A. Bécoulet, C. Challis, G.D. Conway, W. Dorland, D.R. Ernst, T.S. Hahm, T.C. Hender, D. McCune, G. Rewoldt, S.E. Sharapov, and contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme
Date of PPPL Report: December 2001
Date of Revised PPPL Report: February 25, 2002
Published in: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44 (June 2002) 1215-1228.
The transport, flow shear, and linear growth rates of microturbulence are studied for a JET plasma with high central q in which an internal transport barrier (ITB) forms and grows to a large radius. The linear microturbulence growth rates of the fastest growing (most unstable) toroidal modes with high toroidal mode number are calaculated using the GS2 and FULL gyrokinetic codes. These linear growth rates, glin, are large, but the flow-shearing rates, gExB (dominated by the toroidal rotation contribution) are also comparably large when and where the ITB exists.