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Statistically-Average Rate Equations for Intense Nonneutral Beam Propagation through a Periodic Solenoidal Focusing Field Based on the Nonlinear Vlasov-Maxwell Equations
Authors: Ronald C. Davidson, W. Wei-li Lee, and Peter Stoltz
This paper presents a detailed formulation and analysis of the rate equations for statistically-average quantities for an intense nonneutral beam propagating through a periodic solenoidal focusing field. The analysis is based on the nonlinear Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the electrostatic approximation.
Note: The above is only the first few sentences of the abstract.
For a copy of this report: Contact Ronald C. Davidson, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543 or e-mail caphilli@pppl.gov.