PPPL-3220 is available in pdf or postscript formats.
3D Simulation Studies of Tokamak Plasmas Using MHD and Extended-MHD Models
Authors: W. Park, Z. Chang, E. Fredrickson, et al.
The M3D(Multi-level 3D) tokamak simulation project aims at the simulation of tokamak plasmas using a multi-level tokamak code package. Several current applications using MHD and Extended-MHD models are presented; high-b disruption studies in reversed shear plasmas using the MHD level MH3D code, w*i stabilization and nonlinear island rotation studies using the two-fluid level MH3D-T code, studies of nonlinear saturation of TAE modes using the hybrid particle/MHD level MH3D-K code, and unstructured mesh MH3 D++ code studies. In particular, three internal mode disruption mechanisms are identifed from simulation results which agree well with experimental data.