Parametric Study of a Divertor Cooling System for a Liquid-Metal Plasma-Facing Component
Authors: Andrei Khodak, Michael A. Jaworski
Abstract: Novel divertor cooling system concept is currently under development at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. This concept utilizes supercritical carbon dioxide as a coolant for the liquid lithium filled porous divertor front plate. Coolant is flowing in closed loop in the T-tube-type channel. Application of CO2 eliminates safety concerns associated with water cooling of liquid lithium systems, and promises higher overall efficiency compared with systems using He as a coolant. Numerical analysis of divertor system initial configuration was performed using ANSYS software.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 42, 8, Aug 2014 [© 2014 IEEE]
DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2014.2330292
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