
Quasi-Coherent Fluctuations Limiting the Pedestal Growth on Alcator C-Mod: Experiment and Modeling

Authors: A. Diallo, et al.

Abstract: Performance predictions for future fusion devices rely on an accurate model of the pedestal structure. The leading candidate for predictive pedestal structure is EPED, and it is imperative to test the underlying hypothesis to further gain con dence for ITER projections. Here, we present experimental work testing one of the EPED hypothesis, namely the existence of a soft limit set by microinstabilities such as the kinetic ballooning mode (KBM). This work extends recent work on Alctor C-Mod [Diallo, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, (2014), 115001], to include detailed measurements of the edge fluctuations and comparisons of edge simulation codes and experimental observations.

Submitted to: Nuclear Fusion

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