
Runaway Generation In Disruptions Of Plasmas In TFTR

Authors: E.D. Fredrickson, M.G. Bell, G. Taylor, S.S. Medley

Abstract: Many disruptions in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [D. Meade and the TFTR Group, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Washington, DC, 1990 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1991), Vol. 1, pp. 9-24] produced populations of runaway electrons which carried a significant fraction of the original plasma current. In this paper, we describe experiments where, following a disruption of a low-beta, reversed shear plasma, currents of up to 1 MA carried mainly by runaway electrons were controlled and then ramped down to near zero using the ohmic transformer. In the longer lasting runaway plasmas, Parail-Pogutse instabilities were observed.

Submitted to: Nuclear Fusion (March 2014)


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