Application of Spatially Resolved High Resolution Crystal Spectrometry to ICF Plasmas
Authors: Kenneth W. Hill, et. al.
High resolution (λ/Δλ ~ 10 000) 1D imaging x-ray spectroscopy using a spherically bent crystal and
a 2D hybrid pixel array detector is used world wide for Doppler measurements of ion-temperature
and plasma flow-velocity profiles in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas. Meter sized plasmas are
diagnosed with cm spatial resolution and 10 ms time resolution. This concept can also be used as
a diagnostic of small sources, such as inertial confinement fusion plasmas and targets on x-ray light
source beam lines, with spatial resolution of micrometers, as demonstrated by laboratory experiments
using a 250-μm 55 Fe source, and by ray-tracing calculations. Throughput calculations agree with
measurements, and predict detector counts in the range 10-8 -10-6 times source x-rays, depending
on crystal reflectivity and spectrometer geometry. Results of the lab demonstrations, application of
the technique to the National Ignition Facility (NIF), and predictions of performance on NIF will be
Submitted to: Review of Scientific Instruments (May 2012 and Presented at: High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics Conference, Monterey, CA
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