Energy Conservation Tests of a Coupled Kinetic-kinetic Plasma-neutral Transport Code
Authors: D.P. Stotler, C.S. Chang, S.H. Ku, J. Lang and G. Park
A Monte Carlo neutral transport routine, based on DEGAS2, has been coupled
to the guiding center ion-electron-neutral neoclassical PIC code XGC0 to provide a
realistic treatment of neutral atoms and molecules in the tokamak edge plasma. The
DEGAS2 routine allows detailed atomic physics and plasma-material interaction
processes to be incorporated into these simulations. The spatial prole of the neutral
particle source used in the DEGAS2 routine is determined from the
uxes of XGC0 ions to the material surfaces. The kinetic-kinetic plasma-neutral transport capability
is demonstrated with example pedestal fueling simulations.
Submitted to: Computational Science & Discovery (August 2012)
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