
Plot/SurfW: Plotting Utility for EDGE2D Output

Authors: W.M. Davis and J.D. Strachan

This report describes a utility that was developed to display EDGE2D results. The utility is focused on results that relate to impurity density, velocity, and particle fluxes in the SOL and divertor. Due to the complicated nature of 2D impurity sources, the concentration of the thermal force near the separatrix and near the divertor entrance, the impurity flow pattern and impurity densities are not necessarily easy to visualize. Thus, we wanted a utility that allowed simple and quick visualization of the impurity behavior. In order to achieve this we overlaid the divertor hardware for plots inside the divertor and we expanded the appearance of the main chamber SOL by plotting distance along the field lines vs. SOL depth with the density (or velocity or flux or other quantity) the false colour. Also, we allowed for the plotted variable to be a function of the other EDGE2D result variables.

Submitted to: TBD


Download PPPL-4773 (pdf14 MB 80 pp)