An Overview Of The ITER In-Vessel Coil Systems
Authors: P.J. Heitzenroeder, A.W. Brooks, J.H. Chrzanowski, F. Dahlgren, R. J. Hawryluk, G.D. Loesser, C. Neumeyer, C. Mansfield, J.P. Smith, M. Schaffer, D. Humphreys, J.J. Cordier, D. Campbell, G.A. Johnson, A. Martin, P.H Rebut, J.O.Tao, P.J. Fogarty, B.E. Nelson, and R.P. Reed
ELM mitigation is of particular importance in ITER in order to prevent rapid erosion or melting of the divertor surface, with the consequent risk of water leaks, increased plasma impurity content and disruptivity. Exploitable "natural" small or no ELM regimes might yet be found which extrapolate to ITER but this cannot be depended upon. Resonant Magnetic Perturbation has been added to pellet pacing as a tool for ITER to mitigate ELMs. Both are required, since neither method is fully developed and much work remains to be done. In addition, in-vessel coils enable vertical stabilization and RWM control. For these reasons, in-vessel coils (IVCs) are being designed for ITER to provide control of Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) in addition to providing control of moderately unstable resistive wall modes (RWMs) and the vertical stability (VS) of the plasma.
Presented at: 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering, San Diego, CA May 31-June 4, 2009
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