Design and Performance of NSTX Movable GDC Probe
Authors: H.W. Kugel, R. Maingi, M. Bell, W. Blanchard, D. Gates, R. Gernhardt, T. Holoman, G. Labik, T. Provost, A.L. Roquemore, and P. Sichta
The NSTX GDC system has been improved by replacing one of the two fixed anodes with a Movable GDC Probe (MGP) anode that can be inserted 1.2 m to about midway between the inner and outer vessel walls. The purpose was to provide more spatially uniform HeGDC for improving discharge stability and reliability. The MGP has been used reliably between every discharge during the last two NSTX experimental campaigns. It has also been used to apply HeGDC assisted boronization, and more recently, HeGDC assisted lithiumization. The MGP has contributed to improved NSTX performance during long pulse and H-mode discharges, and enabled a faster discharge repetition rate.
Presented at: Twenty-Second Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2007), 17–21 June 2007, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA.
Published in: Proceedings of 22nd Symposium on Fusion Engineering.
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