
Initial Results from the Lost Alpha Diagnostics on Joint European Torus

Authors: Doug Darrow, Stefan Baeumel, Ed Cecil, Bob Ellis, Keith Fullard, Ken Hill, Alan Horton, Vasily Kiptily, Les Pedrick, Matthias Reich, Andreas Werner, and JET-EFDA Contributors

Two devices have been installed in the Joint European Torus (JET) vacuum vessel near the plasma boundary to investigate the loss of energetic ions and fusion products in general and alpha particles in particular during the upcoming JET experiments. These devices are (i) a set of multichannel thin foil Faraday collectors, and (ii) a well collimated scintillator which is optically connected to a charge-coupled device. Initial results, including the radial energy and poloidal dependence of lost ions from hydrogen and deuterium plasmas during the 2005–06 JET restart campaign, will be presented.

Published in: Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 10E701 (2006) 5 pp

doi: 10.1063/1.2217928

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