
Effects of Finite Pulse Length, Magnetic Field, and Gas Ionization on Ion Beam Pulse Neutralization by Background Plasma

Authors: Igor D. Kaganovich, Adam B. Sefkow, Edward A. Startsev, Ronald C. Davidson, and Dale R. Welch

This paper presents a survey of the present theoretical understanding of plasma neutralization of intense heavy ion beams. Particular emphasis is placed on determining the degree of charge and current neutralization. We previously developed a reduced analytical model of beam charge and current neutralization for an ion beam pulse propagating in a cold background plasma. The model made use of the conservation of generalized fluid vorticity. The predictions of the analytical model agree very well with numerical simulation results. The model predicts very good charge neutralization during quasi-steady-state propagation, provided the beam pulse duration is much longer than the electron plasma period. In the opposite limit, the beam pulse excites large-amplitude plasma waves. If the beam density is larger than the background plasma density, the plasma waves break, which leads to electron heating. The reduced fluid description provides an important benchmark for numerical codes and yields useful scaling relations for different beam and plasma parameters. This model has been extended to include the additional effects of a solenoidal magnetic field, gas ionization and the transition regions during beam pulse entry and exit from the plasma. Analytical studies show that a sufficiently large solenoidal magnetic field can increase the degree of current neutralization of the ion beam pulse. However, simulations also show that the self-magnetic field structure of the ion beam pulse propagating through background plasma can be complex and non-stationary. Plasma waves generated by the beam head are greatly modified, and whistler waves propagating ahead of the beam pulse are excited during beam entry into the plasma. Accounting for plasma production by gas ionization yields a larger self-magnetic field of the ion beam compared to the case without ionization, and a wake of the current density and self-magnetic field are generated behind the beam pulse. Beam propagation in a dipole magnetic field configuration and background plasma has also been studied.


Accepted for publication in:

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A

doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.02.039

(Copyright © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)


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