Edge Turbulence Measurements in Toroidal Fusion Devices
Authors: S.J. Zweben, J.A. Boedo, O. Grulke, C. Hidalgo, B. LaBombard, R.J. Maqueda, P. Scarin, and J.L. Terry
This paper reviews measurements of edge plasma turbulence in toroidal magnetic fusion devices with an emphasis on recent results in tokamaks. The dominant feature of edge turbulence is a high level of broadband density fluctuations with a relative amplitude δn/n~5–100%, accompanied by large potential and electron temperature fluctuations. The frequency range of this turbulence is ~10 kHz–1 MHz, and the size scale is typically ~0.1–10 cm perpendicular to the magnetic field but many meters along the magnetic field, i.e. the structure is nearly that of 2-D 'filaments'. Diagnostic and data analysis techniques are reviewed and the main experimental results are summarized. Recent comparisons of experimental results with edge turbulence theory are discussed, and some directions for future experiments are suggested.
Submitted to: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Download PPPL-4191 November 2006 (pdf 720 KB)
Presented at the IEA Large Tokamak IA Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas, 11–13 September 2006, Kraków, Poland.