On High-frequency Gyrokinetics in Magnetically-confined Plasmas
Authors: R.A. Kolesnikov, W.W. Lee, H. Qin, and E. Startsev
The physics of high-frequency gyrokinetics in magnetized plasmas is explored, based on the gyrocenter-guage kinetic theory in the limit of gyroradius much smaller than the scale length of the magnetic field. Contrary to low-frequency gyrokinetics, which views each particle as a rigid charged ring, we found that, from the arbitrary frequency point of view, a particle can be described by a rubber-band-like structure. A computational algorithm based on this concept has been developed and its application to the current-driven electorstatic ion cyclotron instability is presented.
Physics of Plasmas 14, 072506 (2007) 8 pp
doi: 10.1063/1.2751600
© (2007) American Institute of Physics.
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