PPPL-4155 is available in pdf format (304 KB).
An Exact Magnetic Moment Invariant of Charged Particle Gyromotion
Authors: Hong Qin and Ronald C. Davidson
Date of PPPL Report: March 2006
Submitted to: Physical Review Letters
For the motion of a charged particle in a uniform, time-dependent axial magnetic field Β(t)ez, it is shown that there is an exact magnetic moment invariant of the particle dynamics M, to which the adiabatic magnetic moment invariant μ = mv2⊥/2B is asymptotic when the time-scale of the magnetic field variation is much slower than the gyro-period. The connection between the exact invariant M and the adiabatic invariant μ enables us to characterize in detail the robustness of the adiabatic magnetic moment invariant μ.