PPPL-4154 is available in pdf format (904 KB).
Structure and Motion of Edge Turbulence in the National Spherical Torus Experiment and Alcator C-Mod
Authors: S.J. Zweben, R.J. Maqueda, J.L. Terry, T. Munsat, J.R. Myra, D. D'Ippolito, D.A. Russell, J.A. Krommes, B. LeBlanc, T. Stoltzfus-Dueck, D.P Stotler, K.M. Williams, C.E. Bush, R. Maingi, O. Grulke, S.A. Sabbagh, and A.E. White
Date of PPPL Report: February 2006
Submitted to: Physics of Plasmas
This paper compares the structure and motion of edge turbulence observed in Lmode and H-mode plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) [M. Ono, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell et al, Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 45, A335 (2003)]. The radial and poloidal correlation lengths are not significantly different between L-mode and H-mode in the cases examined. The poloidal velocity fluctuations are lower and the radial profiles of the poloidal turbulence velocity are somewhat flatter in H-mode compared with L-mode plasmas. These results are compared with similar measurements Alcator C-Mod [E. Marmar, B. Bai, R.L. Boivin et al, Nucl. Fusion 43, 1610 (2003)], and with theoretical models.