The PPPL Fiscal Year 2004 Highlights Report is available in pdf format (6.8 MB).
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory FY2004 Annual Highlights
Editors: Carol A. Phillips and Anthony R. DeMeo
Date of Report: July 2004
The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory FY2004 Annual Highlights report provides a summary of the activities at the Laboratory for the fiscal year -- 1 October 2003 through 30 September 2004. The report includes the Laboratory's Mission and Vision Statements, a message "From the Director," summaries of the research and engineering activities by project, and sections on Applications Research and Technology Transfer, the Graduate and Science Education Programs, Awards and Honors garnered by the Laboratory and its employees, and the Year in Pictures. There is also a listing of the Laboratory's publications for the year and a section of the abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols used throughout the report.
In the PDF document, links have been created from the Table of Contents to each section. You can also return to the Table of Contents from the beginning page of each section.
The PPPL Highlights for fiscal year 2004 is also available in hardcopy format. To obtain a copy e-mail Publications and Reports at: Be sure to include your complete mailing address.