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Maximizing Ion Current by Space Charge Neutralization using Negative Ions and Dust Particles
Authors: A. Smirnov, Y. Raitses, and N.J. Fisch
Date of PPPL Report: January 2005
Published in: Physics of Plasmas 12:5 (May 2005) Article No. 053503 (8 pages).
Ion current extracted from an ion source (ion thruster) can be increased above the Child-Langmuir limit if the ion space charge is neutralized. Similarly, the limiting kinetic energy density of the plasma flow in a Hall thruster might be exceeded if additional mechanisms of space charge neutralization are introduced. Space charge neutralization with high-mass negative ions or negatively charged dust particles seems, in principle, promising for the development of a high current or high energy density source of positive light ions. Several space charge neutralization schemes that employ heavy negatively charged particles are considered. It is shown that the proposed neutralization schemes can lead, at best, only to a moderate but nonetheless possibly important increase of the ion current in the ion thruster and the thrust density in the Hall thruster.