PPPL-4020 is available in pdf format (700 KB).
Measurement of Asymmetric Optical Pumping of Ions Accelerating in a Magnetic-field Gradient
Authors: Xuan Sun, Earl Scime, Mahmood Miah, Samuel Cohen, and Frederick Skiff
Date of PPPL Report: October 2004
Submitted to: Physical Review Letters
We report observations of asymmetric optical pumping of argon ions accelerating in a magnetic field gradient. The signature is a difference in the laser-induced-fluorescence (LIF) emission amplitude from a pair of Zeeman-split states. A model that reproduces the dependence of the asymmetry on magnetic-field and ion-velocity gradients is described. With the model, the fluorescence intensity ratio provides a new method of measuring ion collisionality. This phenomenon has implications for interpreting stellar plasma spectroscopy data which often exhibit unequal Zeeman state intensities.